Contact us and FAQ’s

Got a question, have a look at the FAQ. If the answer isn’t there drop us a line on the below form.

Q. What day is the show this year?
23rd August 2025. Gates open to the public from 10am.

Q. Can I exhibit my car, bike, plane or trade stall?

Of course you can just fill in a registration form found on the website.

Q. Can I bring my dog?

Yes, but always on a lead and you must clear up after them.

Q. Is there disabled parking area?

Yes there is, its approx. 50 meters walk to the show ground.

Q. How much is it to get in?

Entry for adults (16+) is £10, which includes up to 2 under 16 years old children free. (£3 per extra child over the two per adult ticket)

Q. Can I have a trade stall at the show?

Yes, you can, please use the registration form on the traders page, (sorry no food vendors).

Q. What time do the gates open?

The gates open at 10am for visitors.

Q. Is there a charge to display my car?

There is no charge, but you must pre register, fill the exhibitors form in, and we will then send back a vehicile pass.  This will allow the driver plus 1 adult into the show, for a donation to the event.

If you dont fill in the form, and dont have a pass, then it will be £10 for classic vehicle, driver plus 1 to gain entry.

Pre registration will close, sometime in July, it all depends on how many pre registrations we get as we do have a finite space at the airfield.